How to the Best Sorority Apparel Chair Your Chapter Will Ever Have

Being the apparel chair for your sorority can result in feeling a lot of pressure. If you want to learn how to be the best apparel chair *ever* then keep reading.
Step 1: Keep up to date with current fashion trends. Knowing what is in style is important for your position. If you find a design you love while online shopping, send it to The Greek Co and we can recreate it to say your chapter name. The Greek Co can turn any fashion trend into sorority merch so your sisters will love you for having the CUTEST ideas.
Step 2: Do more than what is expected. As an apparel chair, you are expected to set up orders for shirts for events like formal, recruitment, philanthropy events, etc. Go beyond these and set up “optional” and “just for fun” orders for your sisters! If you do one or two optional orders every month, your sisters will always have new merch to rep your chapter. At The Greek Co. we can set up a private link for your sisters to order from and they can all be shipped in one box to you.
Step 3: Find affordable apparel. Many sorority women have a tight budget or just would rather spend their money on other things. Having affordable apparel allows them to get new cute stuff while still being able to spend money on fun activities.
Step 4: Plan ahead! The further ahead you plan, the better. It will give you more time to brainstorm ideas and come up with the coolest shirt designs. The design process does take time, especially when you have to do revisions.
If you want to earn money for your position, apply to be a campus rep. You will earn a percentage of any sales you help facilitate. Contact us for more details! I hope this article helps any of you apparel chairs, best of luck to you!